Performance Monitor

Skript by ItsLemonMelon

View your server's performance with this Skript.


# Hello, thank you for downloading my Skript code!
# If you find any error, please post it and I’ll try to figure it out!
# Most of my public Skript will be fully editable without permission.
# Credits are much appreciated.
# Thanks, again. - Skify (ItsLemonMelon is a old username of mine)

command /performance:
	permission: performance.check
	permission message: &cInsufficient rank to perform that command!
	aliases: /perform, /pfm
		set {_tps} to tps                              
		set {_tps} to rounded {_tps}
		message "&6&l&m|&6&l&                      m-----------------------------------"
		if {_tps} is 19 or 20:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a||||||||||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 17 or 18:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a|||||||||&c|&0]"
		if {_tps} is 15 or 16:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a||||||||&c||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 13 or 14:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a|||||||&c|||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 11 or 12:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a||||||&c||||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 9 or 10:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a|||||&c|||||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 7 or 8:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a||||&c||||||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 5 or 6:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a|||&c|||||||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 3 or 4:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a||&c||||||||&0]"
		if {_tps} is 1 or 2:
			message "&6&l&m|&3    &0[&3TPS: &a|&                    c|||||||||&0]"
		message "&6&l&m|&6&l&m-----------------------------------"		

Last updated