/event Skript
Skript by ChunkerDunkers
Create events for your server with this Skript.
command /event:
permission: Event.Admin
permission message: &cNo Permission
open chest with 1 row named "&6&lEvents" to player
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&3&lHide n Seek" to close then run [make player execute command "bc &4&lEVENT! &c&lHide n Seek Event! Use /eventjoin to join the event!"]
format slot 1 of player with green wool named "&3&lFFA" to close then run [make player execute command "bc &4&lEVENT! &c&lFFA! Event Use /eventjoin to join the event!"]
format slot 2 of player with green wool named "&3&lSumo" to close then run [make player execute command "bc &4&lEVENT! &c&lSumo Event! Use /eventjoin to join the event!"]
format slot 3 of player with green wool named "&3&lCustom" to close then run [make player execute command "bc &4&lEVENT! &c&lCustom Event! Use /eventjoin to join the event!"]
command /customevent [<text>]:
permission: Event.Admin
permission message: &cNo Permissions
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&cUsage: /customevent (event name)"
if arg-1 is set:
broadcast "&4&lEVENT! &c&l%arg-1%! Use /eventjoin to join the event!"
command /eventjoin:
send "&aTeleporting to the event."
execute console command "/warp %player% EVENT"
wait 5000 tick
send "&aWelcome to the event lobby! Please wait for further instructions."
command /eventkick [<player>] [<text>]:
permission: Event.Admin
permission message: &cNo Permissions
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&cUsage: /eventkick <player> <reason>"
if arg-1 is set:
execute console command "/warp %arg-1% SPAWN"
wait 3 tick
send "&cPlayer Kicked From Event"
wait 3 tick
send "&cKicked From Event! You were kicked by %player% for %arg-2%" to arg 1
Last updated